Tef.: 675.145.602 / 976.56.80.21 / info@chicasdeleste.com
Tatiana, Dnipropetrovsk (ukr242)

"I am charming, kind-hearted, cheerful, humorous, goal-oriented. I love and treasure everything beautiful in life and people. I am fond of everything creative, namely interior design, drawing, dancing, human psychology. I visit gym, go in for runnung and badminton in summertime in order to keep fit. My life philosophy: ""Happiness is like a butterfly. Once you try hard to catch it, it always slips out. But when you get concentrated on other things, it will gently sit on your shoulder."" The man of my dream is intelligent, persistent, active, quite ambitious, but also kind and sincere, optimistic and caring. His age: 32-45. European, Christian, without harmful habits. His children is not a problem for me. My main life goal is happiness. It means harmony with my own self and self-realization. I always aspire at something bigger, better, self-development, discovering something new and interesting. I love animals, especially dogs. No other animal can love people so devotedly and selflessly."