Tef.: 675.145.602 / 976.56.80.21 / info@chicasdeleste.com
Elena, Rivne (ukr1337)

"I am an extraordinary person. I like everything bright, unusual and new. I dont like everyday life and whining people. I like communicating with interesting and positive people. I consider myself a self-sufficient person. I just dont allow myself to be bored:) I get a charge of energy and good mood from talking with my friends, bowling and volleyball, modeling clothes and just watching a good movie. I know when to keep silent, what to advise and how to make everyone happy. I am a godsend and maybe I will become a godsend for you! Everything is in our hands! We, women, must feel support and respect. A man should be independent, self-sufficient and always be responsible for his actions. My partner should love and deeply respect his woman. He is resolute, balanced, reliable, self-confident, adequate and similar in his life views with me, so that I completely trust him and his decisions. He is tactful and accurate. He should feel when I need to speak and when I want to keep silent. "