Tef.: 675.145.602 / 976.56.80.21 / info@chicasdeleste.com
Svetlana, Kharkov (ukr1219)

"Kindness and sincerity in emotions and actions, striving for harmony and balance - this is what is inherent in my personality. I have a sensitive and romantic nature. I like to fill my day with joy and laughter. I adore cooking, especially my children’s favorite dishes. I like walking around the city and spending time on nature. I feel a special attraction to the sea, I like sitting on the seashore, listening to music of the waves and admiring the sunset... It goes without saying that going to the movies, theater with friends at least once a week has already become a tradition) Sincerity and honesty - this is what, in my opinion, makes a relationship between a man and a woman stronger. The desire to spend time with a person, who is close to you, to see a smile on the face of the chosen one, to give joy, support and attention and also to receive it all in return ... I would give all this and many other things to my future chosen one."